“my art work’s explore the boundary between our inner lives and the changing world around us” Faraz Razaghi
Designed by Faraz Razaghi
Landscape design is the art of orchestrating and organizing the features of an area of land for aesthetic as well as functional reasons.
It is mainly partitioned into two significant components: hardscape (the nonliving components, like pavers) and softscape (the living components, like trees).
Landscape design is comprised of four major concepts:
Unity (harmony)
Unity is the compelling utilization of elements in a design to convey a theme. Unity is accomplished by executing a plan reliably over a scene through mass planting or repetition. Though balance is a term of examination between two parts of a landscape, unity relates to the general image of a landscape. Unity has been accomplished when the watcher detects that every one of the singular elements of a landscape fit together to shape a coherent theme. One the main specifications presented in Faraz Razaghi’s works, is the soul of unity through the elements of his designs.
Having the unity in mind, one must remember to keep every segment in proportion. Proportion is the sense or prerequisite that the size of the one or a set of components in a landscape fit into the entire landscape delicately. One method for accomplishing proportion is through appropriate utilization of transition applied to the size of each component. A landscape that neglects to convey great proportion is one that is damaged by sudden transitions.
Transition is the continuous change accomplished by the control of the fundamental design elements of scale, line, color, form and texture. We shall stay away from sudden transition unless we aim at accomplishing specific effects. For instance, if the color of flowers changes as you move between different segments of the yard, there is cohesive whole which conveys a sense of well-ordered transition. It is widely believed that an effective transition is created and improved through adding appropriate landscaping to a huge space and separating it into segments that could be smoothly sensed by the viewer. Here are a few more of these concepts:
Plant form
Plant texture
Color theory
Focal point